You Have Two, Too

I have two and you have two, too. Those appendages the Lord stuck on either side of your head known as ears are meant for listening. So, how do you use them? What do you listen for and what do you hear?

Listening to each other is not as common as it once was, because we have another appendage called the phone. We listen to it readily, laugh or frown or, at times, even talk back to it. But, when you get right down to it, unless we’re on a Zoom meeting or a face-to-face chat, it is simply a mechanical device.

I’m glad that when my son and grandchildren were small, technology had not taken over. I heard some wonderful stories, some really neat conversations, and learned what they thought of the world through listening to them speak. What a joy! 

It seems to me that older folk, especially those stuck in nursing homes or who live alone, value having someone to talk to, someone to listen, almost more than any other gift. 

Listening involves more than just hearing. Listening involves thinking about what is being said, not what your answer will be. Listening involves hearing the tone of voice, seeing the look on someone’s face, understanding or being willing to understand another’s thoughts.

It doesn’t cost a cent, but many times, listening to another person is just about the best gift they can be given. You have two wonderful ears as do I. Using them to give someone else an emotional boost is a great way to use them.

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