Why Worry?

Why Worry?

Every day as I listen to the news, I find a new reason to worry. I think it’s time to re-print a poem by an anonymous author.

Worry? Why worry? What can worry do? It never keeps a trouble from overtaking you.

It gives you indigestion and sleepless hours at night and fills with gloom the days, however fair and bright.

It puts a frown upon the face and sharpness to the tone. We’re unfit to live with others and unfit to live alone.

Worry? Why worry? What can worry do? It never keeps a trouble from overtaking you.

Pray? Why pray? What can praying do? Praying really changes things, arranges life anew.

It’s good for your digestion, gives peaceful sleep a night. And fills the grayest, gloomiest day with rays of glowing light.

It puts a smile upon your face, the love note in your tone. Makes you fit to live with others and fit to live alone.

Pray? Why pray? What can praying do? It brings God down from heaven to live and work with you.



  1. Excellent, too bad we don’t know who to credit.

  2. I hope you don’t mind if I copy this poem and send it to some of my friends. It’s a good one!

    • blanchedaymanos says

      I’m honored, Sharon. I wish I had thought of the poem, but I didn’t. I don’t know who the author was but I’m grateful he or she wrote it.

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