Winter’s Merry Last Fling

This is what we had last in NWA last year on this date. I thought you might enjoy today a little more by thinking about last year. Actually, I don’t know if it’s the last fling or not, but winter certainly flung around some snow and sleet yesterday. It was such a nice Saturday!A really good rain all morning, lunch with family at a nearby restaurant, then home by the fireplace to read and watch a nature documentary. But, in the early afternoon, something started rattling on the deck and on the leaves. Sleet!

Nemo and I watched, fascinated. Actually, I watched. My little dog was so unimpressed, he slept. Then, the sleet turned to big, beautiful hunks of snow. I got a few pictures of the snow on the ground and tried to take some of the snow as it fell but my falling snow shots never turn out well.




This morning, the snow and sleet  are still with us. A favorite Tulsa weatherman from days gone by would call it, “Sneet”. My neighbors’ yards and my yard are white. Rooftops are covered and the temperature is below freezing. The forecast has been revised downward. Highs are to only reach the 40s today. Winter indeed!

Whatever the weather, it is time to turn a new leaf or, actually, turn the clocks forward an hour and begin Daylight Savings Time whether we feel like it or not. I’d still like to know who invented DST. There’s an old saying: you can’t cut one end off the blanket and sew it on the other end and make it longer.

All is quiet this morning. Remnants of snow and sleet are still with us, the Folgers coffee is hot, my house is warm and I’m thankful. Who knows? Maybe winter is making up for lost time and is ready to fling more snow at us in the future. After all, this is March, and you know what they say about March. Restless. Untrustworthy. Moody. But, interesting.


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