Who Was Elmer?

Who Was Elmer?

He has been around for two generations–that’s a pretty good long while for an earthworm. Maybe it’s because he was daring and brave or just went from one adventure to the next without noticing the passing of time. His name was Elmer and he existed only in my imagination and then in the minds of my son and grandchildren.

All the children I’ve encountered enjoyed stories. They liked to be read to and they liked looking at pictures. When they were old enough, they enjoyed reading on their own. But, even when they were old enough to read, my son and later, my grandchildren enjoyed a simple story made up on the spur of the moment about Elmer.

At bedtime, a familiar request was, “Tell me another Elmer.” So, I’d oblige. Elmer the Earthworm went on adventures in his trusty leaf boat when rain flooded his underground home. He was brave and daring and, when his leaf lodged against the trunk of a tree and the water went down, he set out to explore. 

Elmer had fun and got into some tight places, but he always managed to get out again and keep going with a hopeful outlook. Where is he now, after several decades have passed since his last sighting? Oh, I imagine he’s not far away, just waiting for another small voice somewhere to ask their grandmother, “Please, tell me another Elmer.”


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