What’s Cozier Than a Cozy Critique?

The answer to that question would be: four cozy critiquers, seated around my mother’s hundred-year old wood dining table, coffee cups and cookies at hand, pencils poised above paper, listening to one of the members read. Yesterday Jane, Nancy, Peg and I gathered for an afternoon of reading, listening and giving opinions. Here are a few quotes that should help this writer in finishing the third Darcy and Flora cozy mystery: “You said ‘metal doorknob’. Most doorknobs are metal. Perhaps it could be described as a “cold doorknob.” Well, that makes sense to me!

And, “Too much description of Burke’s house; too detailed for situation.” “Replace ‘venomous’ with ‘cold-hearted’.'”

All of these are good suggestions and incorporating them will make my story better. Many times a writer’s eyes do not pick up on obvious terms, words, or phrases that when changed or said in a different way or simply omitted, would make the meaning clearer and the writing smoother. Is there a kink in the brain that causes the eye to see what the brain wants it to see?

I’m sure many of us have started to read a book then decided it wasn’t what we had thought and closed it without finishing it. Here were some of the things that made the four of us as readers decide not to continue reading a particular book: “Meanders too much”, “too many non-important details”, “profanity”, “takes too long to get to the mystery.”

Jane read  a beautiful inspirational piece that had to do with antiques and how precious they grow through the years and why. Nancy had an encouraging and entertaining story that was  similar to Jane’s. Peg shared her view of what makes a book a really good book. And I read a couple of chapters in the third Darcy and Flora. All in all, the conversation was lively and the topics informative.

I recommend cozy mystery fans check out Minnesota writer Julie Seedorf and her Granny Hooks a Crook and Whatchamacallit, Thingamajig that are listed on her website: julieseedorf.com.

And, for inspiration and hope: nancykaygrace.com.  Nancy also has a wonderful blog.

Whether your taste is for mysteries or Christian insight or both, you can certainly find many books and essays that will brighten your nights and lighten your days. You can take a trip to any place in the world, free of charge through the pages of a book. Sure, your hero or heroine will be faced with many problems, many dangers and a few evil people but never fear! In the end, all is made clear and the mystery is solved. Add a cup of hot coffee and a couple of cookies and you have a recipe for a cozy evening. 003


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