What under the sun did I do yesterday? Well, let me tell you. It was one of those beautiful early spring days, almost too perfect to be believed. It started mundanely enough with putting water in the bird baths, but it picked up after that. I ate BBQ lunch with my son and his family and the parents of my daughter-in-law who are visiting from the great state of Wisconsin. Of course, any meal is better with lively conversation and laughter and there was plenty of that to go with lunch.
Next, was grocery shopping, which isn’t my favorite activity, but I remind myself as I go into the store, how blessed I am. I live in a country where food is plentiful and fresh, the store is clean and attractive, and the clerks are friendly and helpful. I am also reminded that many people do not have the money to buy the kind of food they’d like, and I say a prayer of gratitude and ask the Lord to make me more mindful of those in need.
Nemo and I decided it was too warm and nice a day to be sitting in the house, so we went exploring in the great out-of-doors, that vast wilderness I call my back yard. And, I made some discoveries. The wild violets are blooming! I love those early spring flowers and am amazed at how they survive from year to year.
As I was sitting in my porch swing, I glanced up at the redbud tree, a gift from some birds, I guess, a few years ago. Anyway, I didn’t plant it. It is far too close to the deck. It’s blooming! Redbuds hold a special place in my heart because they are Oklahoma’s state tree and also because they are so beautiful.
My publisher and I emailed back and forth, getting more done concerning the completion of By the Fright of the Silvery Moon. This is the sequel to Moonlight Can Be Murder and it was a lot of fun to write! We discussed the possibility of a logo for my cozies. This is fun to toss ideas around and maybe come up with an attractive logo. We are nearing, with every hurdle crossed, the release of this second Moonlight mystery.
As a further sign of spring, I noticed my neighbor getting his lawn mower all ready to go. Dandelions are starting up too. I never dig up my dandelions nor poison them. Did you know they have a lot of healthy things about them? Dandelion tea, dandelion greens…the list goes on. They are also wonderful for those early arriving bees who certainly need something to eat after a long winter.
If you didn’t read yesterday’s blog, you missed a couple of funny stories my niece Missy wrote. These were family stories, told to her by her dad. Just click here, if you missed them. http://www.blanchedaymanos.com/gathered-around-hearthfire/
So, that pretty much was my Saturday. How about you? I hope your day was good and many wonderful blessings come your way this Lord’s Day too.
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