What Is That Sound?

Last night a strange rumble rolled across the heavens. What was that noise? It sounded familiar. Then I remembered. It was thunder and it had been such a long time since I heard it that I almost forgot what it sounded like! The Lord sent us rain. I don’t know how much but I do know that whatever amount it was, I appreciate it. I like a good thunderstorm that blesses the earth with rain. I don’t care for the dangerous wind and lightning that sometimes accompanies it but no lullaby beats the rhythm of falling rain.

I have a dim memory from the depths of my childhood. I don’t know how old I was nor any more than a feeling and a sound. It was night. Rain dripped from the eaves onto the bottom of an overturned bucket. The sound was almost musical. It was slow and rhythmic and lulled me to sleep.

The Bible has a lot to say about rain. Usually it is seen as a blessing. When the Lord withheld rain, it was because of the people’s sin. Elijah was a prophet, a man of God who prayed fervently and God withheld rain for 3 l/2 years. He prayed again and even when there was no sign of rain as yet,  he told King Ahab that there was a sound of an abundance of rain and sure enough, rain fell.

We all remember a particular time that the Bible records rain was sent as a punishment for sin, not a blessing. This was the worldwide flood during the time of Noah. The story is found in Genesis 7. Only eight people were saved from that terrible deluge. Not only did rain fall from the heavens, water also came up from the earth. I can imagine that perhaps the earth shook, maybe the wind blew violently and savage lightning stabbed the rolling, inky clouds. But inside the ark, Noah, his family and the animals were safe because Noah obeyed God and God shut them into a place of safety and closed the door so that nothing evil could enter.

I especially love rain at night when everything is quiet and it is too late to start any sort of project. That is the perfect time to curl up in the recliner with a cozy mystery. The sound of falling rain, an occasional flash of lightning, a growl of thunder and inside my house I am safe, dry, and lost in the adventures of a brave heroine with a nose for mystery and a gift for solutions. Rain, book, easy chair. What could be better?


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