Wednesday Wanderings

Wednesday Wanderings

Perhaps today’s title should be “Wednesday Wonderings” because I do wonder about a lot of things. Answers sometimes seem elusive but the questions are still there.

Yesterday, I saw dozens, probably hundreds of small, dark birds come swooping over as I was driving. It was near sunset and the birds reminded me of a dark cloud. They settled on electric wires along the highway. Earlier, I had seen many birds just sitting along the high supports for stop lights. They seemed to be watching the cars beneath them. Is this a sign of weather change? Does it mean the birds are clustering, talking about winter that will be particularly cold? Or, is it something more sinister, as in Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds?

A homeless dog, evidently hungry, standing in the street looked up as I approached. Someone had owned him at one time, I’m sure, but what happened? Did they go off and leave him to fend for himself? If so, he wasn’t doing a very good job of it. I wondered, as I wandered, how a person could be so heartless as to abandon an animal? What do they have in the place where their heart should be?

And, as twilight approached, and I neared my own home, I wondered about the people who have no home. How do they feel when darkness closes in? Do they have hope for tomorrow?

As I drove,  the sun sank out of sight amid a spectacular display of color and silver-rimmed clouds.How many people noticed? Were they too busy with their own problems to see the God-given splendor around them, or the needs of people or animals less fortunate than they?

The news, coming through my car radio, became so unsettling that I switched it off. How did mankind get the world into such a mess? Can it be fixed? Answers lie in an ancient Book called the Bible. Why do we look everywhere for answers except in the Handbook supplied by our Creator?

My Wednesday wanderings took me to a small, white house that means peace and comfort to me, a house that used to be the home of my parents. I wondered how, in the years since they’ve been gone, their memories still linger within the walls and in the yard. It seems to me that, with all the turmoil, unrest and spiritual blindness in this busy world, one thing remains unchanged and lasting: love.  And memories and prayer and yes, hope. Hope for a better tomorrow.


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