Weather Wanderings (Wonderings?)

Weather Wanderings (Wonderings?)

My eyes must be deceiving me. Something is falling from the skies this morning and it must be rain but, under the porch light it looks amazingly like snow. The temperature hovers around forty-oneĀ and the weatherman is calling for the possibility of light rain so that must be the answer. The rain is so light that it is falling kind of slowly, like–well—like snow.

Hopefully, thinking something is what it isn’t won’t be a sign that the whole day will be like this.

Yesterday was a most interesting day, eating BBQ with family and friends, saying good-bye to said friends who are heading back up North, talking to loved ones via telephone and email and looking at my poor old yard, thinking that it really needs some sprucing up to get ready for a most welcome visitor–warm weather. Which, I have no doubt, will be here one of these days.

Warm weather, rain, the possibility of wicked thunderstorms and the need for storm shelters–I guess with the good (warmth) comes the bad (tornadoes and lightning). Isn’t that the way it always is? Didn’t Longfellow say that life is checkered shade and sunshine?

And yesterday was a checkered day–family, friends, springtime’s promise, those were the sunshine but then there was the shade or shadow. A trip to a certain library which shall remain nameless and the fact that the elevator wasn’t working, struggling up four flights of stairs and arriving at the proper desk so breathless I could hardly speak–that wasn’t so sunny. Maybe in future days, I’ll look back and laugh.

Like my adventures with storms in Oklahoma and making mad dashes to safe places, too small cellars, or basements full of people who were partying. At the time, that didn’t seem so sunny but looking back at all that, it was pretty funny if not sunny.

That’s life–the good and the bad. My dad told me something a long time ago that has stuck with me. “Life isn’t what you make it,” he said. (A shock to me; I thought it was.) “It’s how you take it,” Dad told me.

A Fragrance I could Only Call

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