The warm, wonderful feeling yesterday afternoon wasn’t due completely to the fireplace, although it was snapping and blazing, or the hot, aromatic coffee or even the gingersnaps. No, that cozy feeling was because three good friends were gathered around the hundred-year old table, laughing, talking, and sharing thoughts on reading, writing, and more. Much more.
Although Carolyn couldn’t be with us due to an ill family member, and Nancy couldn’t either, we thought about them, as well as past Cozy Critters Helen and Judy. Nancy, who has been bustling here and scurrying there, sent this update:
Last week I spoke for Stonecroft Christian Women’s Connections in Hot Springs Village and Pine Bluff.Everything went very well. I enjoyed speaking again, as it had been a year.This Saturday I’m going to Joplin for book signing at the Writer’s Faire at the Joplin library. I heard about this through the Christian Writers Fellowship in Pittsburg, KS. (I’ve gone to their conferences).
Peg has been delving into perilous plots and curious characters. A cozy mystery she just finished that made a good impression on her was Bones to Pick by Linda Lovely. It kept her interest from beginning to end. She is now reading another cozy mystery by one of her favorite authors, Donna Andrews, How the Finch Stole Christmas .
Deep Freeze by John Sanford was a step away from her usual fare. However, this was definitely not a cozy. Instead of a nice case of delicious shivers, it gave her something akin to icy chills. She enjoyed it, though, because it was well written.
Jane has a new family member, a beautiful little Golden Retriever named Sadie. Jane has countless stories about Sadie and lots of pictures to back up her assertion that Sadie is a wonderful, smart, companionable little furry friend.
Jane and Peg also had some pretty impressive ideas for me to include in my work-in-progress, Ghost of Moonlight Past. Phrases like snow storm, electricity out, getting wood for fireplace and disappears, blood trails in the snow…well, you get the idea. Now, what could go wrong with writing prompts like these?
One of the many good things about a critique group is that it is a support group. Peg and Jane were complimentary about my guest blog on Southern Writers Magazine, Suite T. Admittedly, I’m still pretty excited about it. If you haven’t read it yet, I’d be honored if you did so. The name of my post? Snagging and Keeping Your Readers’ Attention.
Come Saturday afternoon, November 4, I’ll be among other NWArkansas writers who will be at the public library in Springdale. I’ll have my books along and the afternoon may also include a reading from By the Fright of the Silvery Moon. I’d love to meet you and would be happy if you’d drop in.

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