Wacky Dreams, Wild Imaginings

Wacky Dreams, Wild Imaginings

Did anyone watch Duel last night on the MeTV channel? Duel is a 1971 Spielberg film starring Dennis Weaver. It is a nail-biting, edge-of-your-chair thriller and probably caused my weird dreams. In one of my dreams, I was in a northern state in the springtime and ice was breaking up on the lakes. In celebration, people were driving their cars into the lakes with chunks of ice floating around them. It was a crazy situation but they were not concerned. The drivers were having a wonderful time.

Or, maybe it is the up-coming election which is playing on my sub-conscious mind. Although I try not to worry about it, it’s there, lurking.

This morning, we go back on Central Standard Time. It’s pretty nice of mornings but night will get here around 5:00 p.m. And, just about the time we get used to this, the powers that be will gleefully announce Daylight Savings Time. Honestly, I don’t think time can be saved, do you? Can we put it in a bottle and bring it out when we need it? I don’t think so. It’s like the old joke about trying to make a blanket longer by cutting it off one end and sewing it onto the other. I’m not sure who decided Daylight Savings Time was wonderful but I don’t think anyone voted on the issue.

Last night, just before dark, while I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly I heard a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my patio door. Was it some visitor, I wondered, tapping at my chamber door? Looking around, I saw a cardinal perched on the deck, pecking at the glass.  Only this and nothing more. Was he finding insects or had he stopped by just to say ‘hello’? Or had I stepped into Poe’s poem, The Raven?


Today, white chili is on the menu with peach cobbler for dessert. This is the Lord’s Day and I’m grateful for His many blessings. Dark will come earlier tonight. It’s cozy mystery time! And, of course, cozy mysteries, unlike elections or Spielberg films, are guaranteed not to bring on weird and wacky dreams. They just might, however, conjure up a remembrance or two of Edgar Allan Poe.


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