Writers have always had an important place in the grand scheme of things. Yesterday morning while reading the concluding chapter of the Book of Romans, I noted that it was written, under Paul’s dictation and by God’s direction by a transcriber named Tertius. He was an early Christian martyr so this means that he was a believer who would not back down, stalwart, staunch, and dedicated.
One of my favorite verses is Psalm 45:1, “My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.” Actually, a writer’s story, her words, have to be in her mind and on her tongue first, then she transcribes them, like Paul asked Tertius to do, onto paper (or the computer’s compelling screen).
I wonder about Tertius. He was evidently trusted and beloved by Paul. He was brave and absolutely convinced of the truth, and he was not afraid to pen his name as Paul’s amanuensis (a secretary or transcriber).
What goals did Tertius have? Evidently evangelizing as much of the world as possible was one of them, obedience to God would have to have been another. So, what are my goals? Certainly not as lofty nor meaningful nor important as St. Paul’s or Tertius’. We all need goals, as writers, parents, grandparents. I’ve been considering mine and I hope you think through your own.
As far as writing goes, my goal is to let as many people know about my books as possible. Yesterday, it was to Nightbird Books in Fayetteville and the Fayetteville City Library. I will be at a signing along with other authors at Nightbird November 29 and my books will be at the Christmas Victorian Fair in Tahlequah at the Thompson House the first week of December. The librarian in Fayetteville asked if I did book talks. “You bet’cha,” I answered. I love doing book talks. When a person is speaking about what she truly enjoys, she has a lot to say!
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