This, That, and T’Other

This, That, and T’Other

Sometimes my undisciplined thoughts skitter here and there, like autumn leaves when a wind blows through. With no encouragement or urging, my mind hops from one thing to the other, a little thought here, a larger thought there. A potpourri of unconnected subjects skitter from this to that to the other.

One of my favorite verses comes from Psalm 18:29 where the Psalmist mentions running through a troop and leaping over a wall. These crisp fall mornings make me feel as if I could do that. Of course, I might have to limp through a troop and struggle over a wall but hey! The feeling is there and that’s what counts, isn’t it?

Ireland memorabilia is scattered throughout my house. I brought it back from Ireland more than a year ago: the little Irish lamb made of Irish wool, booklets and pamphlets. It should be boxed up and put away but, you know what? Ireland refuses to be put into a box. It’s going to stay right where it is, in my heart forever.

We have had the Harvest Moon. Tonight we’ll be treated to the full Hunters’ Moon. It’s cloudy here in NWA (I think. The sun isn’t up yet.) Will it be cloudy tonight? Wolf Moon, Snow Moon; those names have meaning and provide clues to long ago times. The names are picturesque and hauntingly beautiful. I hope they never change. So much of  history is being changed to not offend. The truth being exchanged for something else.

Speaking of moons, the release date for Moonlight Can Be Murder has been moved to November 1. Exciting news! I’ll keep you up-dated.

Tomorrow’s blog: My choice for President!


In The Cemetery Club, weather plays a dramatic role beginning with a storm which harbors a tornado. In fact, it was raining when Darcy and Flora tumbled down Deertrack Hill. In Grave Shift, Darcy and Flora  take a quick trip to Amarillo. Shortly after they return to Levi, Amarillo has snow. In Best Left Buried, the winter is harsh with snow and biting winds and then, in Moonlight Can Be Murder, more snow, full moon, mystery, murder, and mayhem. It’s fun to weave weather into fictional plots.



  1. How awesome that the book is being released so soon

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