The Wisdom of Listening

The Wisdom of Listening

Our governor in Arkansas has declared this a day of prayer, of asking the Lord to protect us and to lift the plague of this world-wide virus. Prayer is a quiet thing, but it is the most powerful weapon we have. When we seemingly have no control, we turn to the One who has all control and we ask for His mercy.

It’s good to turn off the clamor of news media and just turn our minds to God and think about His ways. He has given us a guide, a road map for traveling through this life, called the Bible. Isn’t it time we turned back to Him and just listened?

This is really a wonderful world that we live in. In spite of all the turmoil and name-calling and confusion and fear, spring comes, life is re-born, flowers bloom, and wisdom speaks in quiet things.

When the prophet Elijah was running for his life from Ahab and Jezebel, he was exhausted and fearful. God showed Elijah His power through a great, strong wind, an earthquake, and a fire. But God was not in any of these. Then, God spoke to Elijah in a still, small voice. (I Kings 19:12).


This morning is dark, but I know the sun will rise shortly. A dove calls from somewhere in the yard, a soft little voice, but the voice of springtime. God is here in this quiet time.  Let’s go to Him in prayer and then, let’s open our Bibles and listen.


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