The New Old Quilt

It’s a bright little quilt top. It doesn’t look as if it’s several decades old, and it has a story–a history. Many years ago, when I was just a young girl, I started this quilt for my sister’s new baby–a little boy. I wanted to hand stitch it so he’d know his Aunt Blanche had spent quite a bit of time in making it just for him. I had really good intentions. So, I cut out many little cowboys on horses, blocked out the top into squares, pinned on the first applique and started stitching. It was a time consuming job and after sewing on only a few cowboys, I put it away.

The years flew by. My nephew grew up,  got married, and had children of his own while the cowboys and horses quietly sat among stacks of my quilts, forgotten. 

Decades passed. My nephew’s children grew up and had children of their own. He was now a grandpa! The quilt remained unfinished. 

Recently, my sister’s daughters and daughter-in-law from Texas came for a visit. Her youngest daughter will soon become a grandmother! I thought of that bright, unfinished quilt. So now, my niece has it. She plans to finish it and have it made into a quilt for her first grandson. The cowboys on their noble steeds still look as new and bright as when I sewed on the first one. The little quilt top has at last found a home.

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