The Monster in the Little Black Box

The Monster in the Little Black Box

An ongoing mystery: why does Nemo sit beside me when I’m at the computer, looking up at me hopefully, breathing his hot, aromatic breath on me, and staring at the black back-up box on the floor. He doesn’t want me sitting here. He dislikes this computer or the back-up box and I don’t know why.

There’s a chill in the house which begs for the fireplace to be lit. This morning before getting out of bed, I heard rain drumming on the deck. A sleepy sound, a comforting sound, and, this morning, a chilly sound.

Coffee is especially good on cold, damp mornings. Maybe that’s why Nemo is sitting beside me, staring at me. He wants a cup of Folgers. Could it be?

A few days back, I posted a quote on my Facebook page  from J. Forney: “Look not back in bitterness, nor forward in fear, but stand in the wonder of the moment.” Isn’t that good advice? Looking back and dwelling too much on past mistakes or heartaches can certainly rob today of its joys. The future sometimes looks mighty uncertain and fearful. But worrying about it won’t change it and is a thief of our time. Let’s repent of the errors we’re aware of, prepare for the future as best we can, then enjoy each moment of each day because it’ll never come again. And love your family.

My thoughts are scattered with no particular subject in mind this morning. I’m sharing with you what I’m feeling. And, yes, my dear little sidekick is still sitting with me. I think he is protecting me from that unknown enemy who lives somewhere in the depths of the black back-up box.  He won’t be happy until I leave the computer. This is an ongoing mystery of Nemo’s thoughts. And, whatever mystery you encounter today, may it be a warm, cozy one.



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