The Beauty of Brothers

The Beauty of Brothers

My brothers and I often reminisce. Sadly, we don’t usually chat over coffee; our conversations are by telephone except for those rare occasions when we can all get together. Who else but my brothers can remember relatives who are no longer with us or recollect childhood days with Mom and Dad?


It’s funny; even when thinking of a shared experience, we didn’t always see it the same way. Maybe that’s why eye witnesses are not reliable in a courtroom. It all depends on our point of view.

When a girl is growing up, brothers can be a pain. Younger brothers are pests; older brothers are bossy. But something happens during the years. Their insights suddenly become valuable; their family was my family. Dad and Mom were dear to all of us and much of our lives took place under the same roof .


Through the years, we go in different directions. We follow separate pathways and have families of our own, but our memories stay with us. When my brothers and I reminisce, the years fall away and our memories lead us in one direction–back home.





  1. Carolyn Bayley says

    Thanks, Blanche! I can totally relate. My brothers are so precious to me. When we were young, they were a little protective. Now, they have finally realized I am grown up. We have the best memories-each with a different turn.

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