This morning, Nemo and I took my cup of coffee to the deck (actually, I took the coffee, Nemo just took his magnificent self) and sat down to contemplate the complexities of the world. The most pressing question was Why was a certain robin sitting on the edge of the birdbath for such a long […]

Nemo and the Squirrels
·A Ballad I am a noble watchdog, I’m valiant and kind, But squirrels in the back yard Cause me to lose my mind. They skitter up the maple; they chatter and they scold. The awful names they call me Would make your blood run cold. They are, of course, mere cowards; they’re brave up in […]

Has Spring Sprung?
Happy first day of Spring! Sometime in the late afternoon, winter will pack its bags and creep out the back door while spring bustles in the front. Here in NW Arkansas, winter is hanging on. It’s cold this morning! Known as the vernal equinox, this is the time day and night are most nearly equal. […]

Wandering Wednesday
·This morning is so beautiful, so cool yet sunny, that I enjoyed wandering around my yard, looking at things. Yes, we desperately need rain and yes, I’m afraid the temperature will climb, but for right now, it’s perfect. The seeds I planted in the herb garden are actually looking sturdy. Brave little fellows, to lift […]

Sunset Thoughts
·Ambling through my yard just after sunset, I heard a tree frog, a spring peeper, but I never did see him. These interesting little creatures have big voices. They also employ the subtle art of camouflage, so it’s hard to ever see one. Their feet acting as suction cups, they stick onto tree bark, houses, […]

Early Morning
·In the early morning darkness, a dove calls. It’s a homey sound. The robins are quiet, maybe busy with their nests and feeding babies. I like the stillness of early morning, before the business of the day. I like to think about possibilities and dreams. Nemo roams the yard with me, his wonderful nose telling […]