We’ve all heard, “First impressions are lasting impressions.” A writer works hard to create a good first impression when you, the reader, crack open her book. Below are beginning sentences from each of my cozies, which, hopefully, create a good first impression. Moonlight Can Be Murder: My car’s headlights cut a yellow swath through the […]

Just Wondering Why…
·Just Wondering Why… … if I believe the Bible, sometimes I don’t act as if I do? … I get a sinking sensation when the plumber’s first words are, “Oh, wow!” …. the full-length store mirror distorts my reflection into a pudgy, frumpy person I don’t even know. …I remember things I’d like to forget […]

The Not So Nice Mice
·The Not So Nice Mice A Fable By Blanche Day Manos The hundred year-old barn was home to a cow, a rooster, some hens, and a mule who pulled a plow. The days they spent in working; each one did its best, and when the sun sank from the sky, the animals wanted rest. But, […]
Dusty Memories
·Cleaning out and trying to organize the writings I’ve done through the years has its own rewards. Among the many papers and books stored in my garage, I’ve found poems, a few songs, Sunday School lessons, stories that I wrote so many years ago, I’d forgotten about them. But, it was fun to re-read, sort […]
The Genius of Shakespeare
For goodness sake, it is not a foregone conclusion that all is doom and gloom. I refuse to budge an inch from my belief that all will be well. All the phrases in italics are attributed to William Shakespeare, that great master of words, who was born on this day in 1564 and died on this day in […]