A Writer’s Resolutions

I firmly resolve and forswear to work hard at sharpening my writing skills by never, ever writing run-on sentences unless they are called for by content of the story or one of the characters steps up and says he is going to say thus and so causing the sentence to become first a paragraph, then […]

Perk Up The Day

Perk Up The Day

The other night, I dreamed that a dear friend had begun writing cozy mysteries. They were interesting! They were selling like hotcakes. The dream was quite clear. This morning, I’ll share that bit of news with her. How about you? Do you have some ideas that would sound great in a book? Remember that today […]

Gregg and Me

Let’s just suppose you are out for a walk, the fog of early morning swirling around you.  Pain shoots through your foot as you stump your toe. Looking down, you see something whiter than the fog sticking out from under a rock. It’s a damp, limp piece of paper. Intrigued, you pick it up and […]

Weather Person

Weather Person

Does weather affect your moods or do you go sailing through the seasons undaunted by snow, rain, or cold? Do you prefer balmy temperatures year round and escape to sunny places when possible?  Weather is changeable and atmospheric pressure may affect the way we feel–I think it’s interesting to look into that possibility. Does a […]

When You Read

When you read a book, what are you expecting to find? If, within a few pages, you find misspellings, poor choice of words to describe a scene or person, one grammatical error after the other, do you keep reading?  If the author of the book lets you in on what other characters are thinking, jumping […]

Small Books