Misty Morning

Misty Morning

The Ides of March

The Ides of March

To the ancient Romans, the Ides of March was a time for settling debts. For Julius Caesar, it was a time of betrayal and death; but, for us, it simply marks the middle of March and a week before the official start of spring.  This ides dawns with gloomy skies and damp ground. So far, […]

What a Character!

What a Character!

Hey! You aren’t supposed to say that! I looked at the paragraph I’d written. This character was speaking and acting…well, out of character. I had her personality planned and knew how she fit into the story I was writing, but, here she was, taking the bit in her mouth, the bull by the horns, and […]

Nancy and Me

Nancy and Me

As a youngster, I learned many things from Nancy Drew that were not written on the pages of her books. I learned that Nancy was the kind of girl I would like to be.  Nancy was a magnet who attracted mysteries. To anyone else, clocks were clocks, staircases were just what they seemed; but, not […]

Spinning Words

Where do they come from, those words that mystery writers spin into stories? Do we catch them like butterflies netted as they fly through the air? Do we snatch them from conversations of friends or winnow them from long ago memories? How can these words be spun into sentences and paragraphs and a story that […]

As Onward We Go

As Onward We Go

The temperature is shivering around twenty-four degrees and guess what? That’s the high! The low will be somewhere around fourteen tonight. There’s also the possibility of snow. That’s the way it is here in NWArkansas. The weather is an interesting, iffy thing. Never count on it staying one way or the other. It must be […]