Caught Between Two Dangers

Darcy Campbell, in The Cemetery Club, was caught up in more than one perilous situation.  Such was the time she and Flora found themselves between two killers and a very dark cave. Would we suddenly step off into a bottomless pit and disappear forever? Silently, I prayed that God would guide us. What a time […]

Characters and Time

Characters and Time

At one of our critiques, a few years back, I mentioned to my friends gathered around the table that I should start a third mystery series starring them, the Cozy Critters! Everybody liked that idea and started choosing names for themselves and cautioning me not to kill them off in my book. “Well, why not?” […]

Psalms and Writing

Psalms and Writing

A Writer’s Psalm Bless my writing, O Lord! May all my plots and characters praise You! The earth is rich in books; verily, it overflows with the written word. Large is the competition; great is the challenge.   When wicked reviewers come upon me, to demolish my efforts, may their computers develop glitches. Though an […]

Keyboard Phobia

Keyboard Phobia

It is very hard to write when someone is staring at me. Where is the mystery-loving dog who is supposed to be a warm companion as I spin spooky tales of terror? But, no. He stares. Nemo does not like the computer. Is Nemo a victim of  Logizomechanophobia, computer phobia, or is he trying to tell […]

Who Was Tom?

Who Was Tom?

Tom Swifties are fun to think up. They’re also a good way to go to sleep if that’s a problem at night–better than counting sheep. This morning, I thought I’d try writing some Tom Swifties for mystery stories. Some of them are sort of a stretch, I admit. “Not a star nor the moon in […]

A Busy World

A Busy World