A frog and a toad have inspired generations of children and adults. Although they existed only on the pages of books by Arnold Lobel, these small amphibians taught real life lessons. Frog and Toad were friends and never a day went by that one didn’t go visit the other and, over a piece of cake […]
Cleaning out and organizing the writings I’ve done through the years has its rewards. I found poems, a few songs, Sunday School lessons, and stories that I wrote so many years ago, I’d forgotten about them. But, it was fun to re-read. It was sort of like meeting old friends. I’ll post a few of […]
Say It In Rhyme
I opened my old, tattered three-ring notebook where I’ve stuffed a lot of past writing sales and found these two poems. Both were written a long time ago to two different Christian children’s magazines of widely differing beliefs. But, you know what? Both magazines’ editors liked poems. Poetry and stories sort of bring us all […]
Whatever the Weather
The morning is still dark and it’s nice to see the friendly lights from neighbors’ windows. I hope others find my lighted house to be the same. The weather is interesting. It has just started raining and there’s snow in the rain! So, what will the day be, weather-wise? We’ll just have to wait and […]
Coffee, Morning, and Goofiness
A redbird is on my lawn. Not finding what he is looking for there, he flies across the street to another yard. He’s so beautiful–bright and flamboyant. I ask the Lord to protect him from cats. It’s okay to pray for redbirds, isn’t it? Did his wife send him out for coffee and he’s frantically […]