Dream Your Troubles Away

Dream Your Troubles Away

  We all have a dream–something that puts a spring in our steps and a gleam in our eyes. Dreams are those wonderful things as filmy as a spider’s web, as substantial as moonbeams, somewhere ahead of us, calling to us to follow, to pursue, to hope, to reach. We can spin dreams of the […]

Cats and Rain and Mysteries

Cats and Rain and Mysteries

  A loud crash jarred me out of a warm slumber. Thunder! The sound of rain on the deck. Wonderful. Just when we need it so badly, grass was beginning to lose its vitality, leaves on trees and flowers were drooping. Thunder still echoes through the dark morning. Storms and rain hold a prominent place […]

Cut It Out!

Cut It Out!

“Cut it out!” I used to hear this phrase a lot; not so much nowadays. It just means, “Stop that.” Stop doing or saying whatever. It’s a useful phrase, a word picture of taking a pair of scissors and snipping off something, or using a black marker and rubbing it out. The thing of it […]

What To Do with Endings

What To Do with Endings

This morning as I look out at a dark, damp world and the beginning of a new day, with another school year fast approaching, I think of beginnings. And, endings. July has ended, another summer is nearly gone and August is here–the month when schools start and teachers and children troop back to the classroom. […]

The Murky Mind of a Mystery Writer

The Murky Mind of a Mystery Writer

I knew a long time ago that I was a little different, but I kept it a secret. I had a big, heaping helping of curiosity. I wanted to know things. I wanted to dig past the surface and find out what lay underneath. Why did things happen as they did? For a long time, […]

A Memory of Yesterday

A Memory of Yesterday

As I was shuffling through old posts this morning, I came across this one, written in January five years ago. It brought back so many warm memories, I decided to post it again. The day was cold, the Cozy Critters were reading and writing and offering encouragement. As Jane said, “Embrace hope and look to […]