Some Turn to Writing

Some Turn to Writing

  In this enforced alone time, some of us turn to writing. I highly recommend it. If you aren’t a writer, you can become one! You really need to keep an account of your daily activities because, guess what? This won’t last. There’s light at the end of the tunnel. Last spring, I’d never have […]

The Fog

The Fog

Yesterday, I wrote practically all day, taking time out only for a trip to the dentist. But, that was okay because I had inhaled laughing gas and was feeling fine. Here’s an excerpt of yesterday’s efforts from my work-in-progress, Murder By Moonlight: A line of low, purple clouds lay along the horizon in the direction […]

Everything I Needed to Know, I Learned in a Cozy Mystery

Everything I Needed to Know, I Learned in a Cozy Mystery

Cozy mysteries are fun to read and fun to write. If they were not, who would read or write them? As well as being fun, they are instructive. They’ve taught me several life lessons. Storms come in every life. There is no problem than cannot be solved. Perseverance  wins the day. Home’s hearth fires burn […]

Does It Really Have to End?

Does It Really Have to End?

Does the Story Have to End? The following is by a guest blogger, my sister-in-law Linda Day. This was published a few years ago, but it’s always fresh and new. Haven’t we all felt this way? Reading wasn’t always an enjoyable pastime. Being a tomboy and growing up in a rural area, more interesting adventures […]

Rain and Dreams and Things

Rain and Dreams and Things

It’s raining this morning. The temperature is above freezing, so that’s good. Why does one dream? More particularly, why does one dream about a professor in college one hasn’t thought about for decades? Last night, Dr. Clayton, one of my business professor, was in my dream. I was talking to someone about, of all things, […]

Once In a While

Once In a While

Once in a while, it pays a writer to check up on her writing progress. Has she shown any improvement? Is she repeating the same mistakes? Or, is she learning and growing and stretching her wings? I looked back at resolutions made in January of a few years ago and decided it wouldn’t hurt anything […]