An Interview

An Interview

Do authors like to do interviews? I can’t speak for all, but I can speak for one. I enjoy them, so I was happy when suggested an interview. And, there I am! A page all dedicated to me. There may be something on there you didn’t know before. I hope you enjoy it. This […]

Rainy Day Thoughts

Rainy Day Thoughts

Rain comes down, thunder growls, and I look out at the dark morning and wonder about a lot of things. A lot of whys and many what ifs, and I ask the Lord to help me live in the moment–right now, today, this morning. As W. W. Bartley said, “For every ailment under the sun, […]

On the Trail

On the Trail

  Nemo’s wonderful nose tells him many things. When, on his leash, he and I make a trip to the mailbox, the first thing he does is put his nose to the ground. He is like a metal detector, going here and there, sniffing. All those scents tell him who has been in the yard […]

Shadowy, Significant Clues

Shadowy, Significant Clues

We all like to find them, don’t we? It’s sort of an aha! moment to run across something significant when reading a mystery. But, beware. Sometimes what looks like a clue isn’t a clue. It’s merely a red herring that a sly and devious author has dragged across the path, to turn you in another […]

What Word is in Your Mouth?

What Word is in Your Mouth?

  Politicians often get into trouble for their choice of words and try “walking them back.” How do you do that? Many times, I’ve wished I could “walk a word back” but once it’s spoken, I sure don’t know any way to get it unspoken. The best I could do was apologize for what I […]

A Small Page from a Small Book

A Small Page from a Small Book

I love making small books. For years, I’ve kept a little notebook with Scripture, poetry, my illustrations, things that brighten the day and will maybe, someday, be meaningful to my grandchildren. In this uncertain time, I recommend it for you too, as a way to keep going and inject hope into the day. This morning, […]