It’s as if God has hushed the world with a blanket of white. Snow muffles sound and the only thing moving I can see are the birds, frantically pecking up sunflower seeds. All their other food is completely covered by inches of snow. The small evergreen by the front porch wears icicles in its branches […]
·Chapter 14 Miss Georgia stared in the direction Abigail was pointing. Moonlight glinted off an object in the woods. Squinting and straining to see, Miss Georgia could make out the shape of someone else standing among the trees. At that moment, one of the diggers gave a muffled shout. “I’ve found it!” He dropped […]
The Cure for Worrying
·Peace and harmony are not always the order of the day and you and I can find many things and people to worry about, without even trying. Those worries just seem to come flocking, with no invitation at all. So, what do we do as an antidote? Constant worry is not a happy state of […]
A Writer’s Resolutions
This list of resolutions is copied from a blog post of a few years back. I firmly resolve and forswear to work hard at sharpening my writing skills by never, ever writing run-on sentences unless they are called for by content of the story or one of the characters steps up and says he is […]
·Intuition–do you have it? Webster says it is direct knowledge without having rational thought; insight. I think, to some degree, we all have it. It’s a matter of whether we’re aware and listen to it. Flora Tucker has intuition, a “feeling in her bones.” And, she’s usually right. Her daughter, Darcy Campbell, may have it, […]