A Cozy Mystery Writer’s Spooky Twelve Days of Christmas On the first day of Christmas, Santa brought to me: a creative cozy mystery. On the second day of Christmas, Santa brought to me: Two tidy murders and a creative cozy mystery. On the third day of Christmas, Santa brought to me Three suspects skulking, two tidy […]
A Writer’s Psalm
A Writer’s Psalm Bless my writing, O Lord! May all my plots and characters praise You! The earth is rich in books; verily, it overflows with the written word. Large is the competition; great is the challenge. When wicked reviewers come upon me, to demolish my efforts, may their computers develop glitches. Though an […]
Just Imagine!
Is this an age of enlightenment or a return to the Dark Ages? Hopefully, it is neither and probably I’m the only one in the whole world who would ask. A definition of the Dark Ages is “the time after the fall of the Roman Empire, marked by intellectual, economic, and cultural decline.” Whereas in […]