It was a dark and stormy afternoon. Rain beat against the deck. Lightning flashed and thunder rattled the windows. Within the dining room, four women sat around an antique dining table, sipping coffee and munching chocolate. They spoke in hushed voices, almost as if they were afraid they would be overheard although they were the […]
A Writer’s Psalm
A Writer’s Psalm Bless my writing, O Lord! May all my plots and characters praise You! The earth is rich in books; verily, it overflows with the written word. Large is the competition; great is the challenge. When wicked reviewers come upon me, to demolish my efforts, may their computers develop glitches. Though an […]
Just Imagine!
Is this an age of enlightenment or a return to the Dark Ages? Hopefully, it is neither and probably I’m the only one in the whole world who would ask. A definition of the Dark Ages is “the time after the fall of the Roman Empire, marked by intellectual, economic, and cultural decline.” Whereas in […]
Somewhere Along the Way
Be sure you treasure them–those actual letters hand-written on paper by a loved one–because getting letters the old-fashioned way in a metal mailbox is getting to be a thing of the past. We’ve lost the appreciation of hand-written greetings somewhere along the way. I used to get personal mail delivered by our mail carrrier–lovely birthday […]