It was all Annabelle’s fault. I bear no responsibility for it. But, here we sat, Annabelle and I, on hard wood chairs in the sheriff’s office trying to explain our way out of an incredible mess. It didn’t help any that several red-faced, angry men lined the wall and their ferocious glares were all directed […]
And What Happened Next?
·I watched a nature program about a mama bear waking up after a winter’s hibernation. She had two cubs, so small that they had a hard job following her when she left the cave. The snow was deep and the grown bear took off, leaving her babies to struggle through the deep snow. They floundered […]

The Mystery of September Rain
·What is it about a gentle rain that is calming, soothing, and better than a lullaby for putting a person to sleep? Rain dripping from leaves and eaves, thunder rumbling softly in the distance, September, tucking the world in, a soothing backdrop to sleep. Nighttime rain is comforting; daytime rain is exciting. Why? Children know. […]
·Reflection is “a thought or writing about something, particularly in the past, or what one sees when looking into a body of water.” Reflections can be seen in eyes or heard in voices. A writer is both a reflector and a sponge. She soaks up a lot of images, words, outlooks, memories, and sifts through […]

Blessed Be
·For Writers: Blessed be the tongues of writers, never running out of a wellspring of words. Blessed be our thoughts, that they be open to inspiration and divine guidance and also our fingers, to translate those thoughts into words. Blessed be our computers–may they never fail us, may bad reviews never assail us; blessed be […]