Yesterday was sunny and warm. The Boston fern went onto the front porch to enjoy the sunshine. But, after hearing what the weather would be today, I brought it in before sunset. Then, last night, Nemo and I woke up to thunder and something that sounded suspiciously like hail. We had some wind and hard […]
A Word From Murphy
·Good morning. My name is Murphy and I’m a dog. I used to live with Ben Ventris but for unforseen and gruesome reasons, I now live with Pat and Jasper Harris. Dogs don’t get credit for being the world’s smartest creatures. They should. Poor ol’ Jasper, the boy I’ve adopted, really needs me. He thinks owls are […]

·SILENCE A soft and downy, drowsy day; The sky is furry, blurry gray, No wind to blow the snow away In patches. The trees are draped in frozen lace; The meadow is an arctic place, And house and barn, with wintry grace, Wear thatches. –Blanche

Where Are You, Portia?
·They used to be on shelves in groceries stores: True Story, True Romance, etc., etc. I don’t see them there any more. When I was a pre-teen and a young teenager, those magazines were taboo. My mother would never let me read one, so I didn’t really know what was inside; I only knew it wasn’t […]
Does a Writer Resolve?
·These resolutions are from a few years back, but they are still semi-appropriate. These writing resolutions are strictly my own and are not suggestions for other writers to follow unless, of course, the proverbial shoe fits. I firmly resolve and forswear to work hard at sharpening my writing skills by never, ever writing run-on sentences […]
Facts Are Facts and Fiction is …
·Remember the old, black and white TV series, Dragnet and the phrase, “Just the facts, Ma’am.” This unflappable team of Jack Webb and Harry Morgan spent a whole thirty minutes ferreting out the bad guys and getting to the facts of the case. But, fiction writers can have fun fiddlin’ with the facts. In writing By […]