The second of Ned McNeil’s moonlight mysteries, By the Fright of the Silvery Moon, inspired this poem. What Lay Beneath the Moonlight by Blanche Day Manos An ancient church, deserted now, lay in a silv’ry light, Keeping watch o’er those who slept throughout the silent night. Did shadows move among the stones, was evil lurking […]
The “Ever After”
·I read a lot and a lot of what I read are cozy mysteries. I finished one a couple of days ago and enjoyed it thoroughly. The conversation sparkled. The protagonist was likable and the plot was not the usual one but it was intriguing. I liked this book so well that I decided to […]
Like You Or Me
·People. Have you ever wondered what makes them tick? Have you ever pondered what keeps them going? If you knew, really knew someone, would you like what you found out? If others really knew you, would they like you? Sometimes, these questions take on too much importance. We’re afraid of letting others get to know […]
The Car Race
·“It’s all your fault,” I muttered. Annabelle just shrugged, a goofy grin on her face. I shifted on the hard, wood chair in the sheriff’s office. It was uncomfortable, but so was the glare of the Diller County Sheriff. Believe it or not, Annabelle and I were here because of the slumping sales of my […]
The Mysterious Stranger
·He moves on four white, silent feet along my neighbor’s sidewalk, this quiet, watchful newcomer. He sits on the porch a while, thinking about things. Where did he come from? Where is he going? Is he just out for a morning stroll or is he on a mission? Cats are secret, mysterious creatures. They keep their […]