A confession: I am a worrier. I know that worry is interest paid on borrowed trouble. I know that worry is useless and 95% of the things a person worries about never happen. I know that worry is a waste of time. Nevertheless, I worry. Maybe it’s because I want people to behave in an […]

Jan 8, 2015
Why Worry?
By 4 Comments
· Every day as I listen to the news, I find a new reason to worry. I think it’s time to re-print a poem by an anonymous author. Worry? Why worry? What can worry do? It never keeps a trouble from overtaking you. It gives you indigestion and sleepless hours at night and fills with gloom […]
Jun 27, 2013
The Benefits of Worry
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· I have a tendency to worry too much. Now, worrying has never done me a bit of good but as my son said, if I didn’t have anything to worry about, I’d think of something. So really, the title of this post is misleading. There are no benefits of worrying. Or have I missed something? […]