When you don’t know what to do about any situation, do what you do know. In other words, stay busy! This morning, snow is stuck on houses and cars, just a little, not much. Not enough to be pretty. The trees are amber and black, grass is rather dreary. In other words, it’s a blah […]

What Do You Do With Dreams?
·Has anyone seen the film, Duel? I saw it a year or so back. Duel is a 1971 Spielberg film starring Dennis Weaver. It is a nail-biting, edge-of-your-chair thriller and probably caused my weird dream which happened after I turned off the TV. In my dream, I was in a northern state in the springtime and […]

Cicada Summer
There he was, stuck to the screen of my door. What was he doing? Thinking? Doubtful. I hear him, these summer nights; he and his family and friends tune up in the darkness, singing their summertime songs, filling the night with their grating sound. All my life, I called them jar flies, and it was […]
Just For Today
God supplies all our needs–one day at a time. Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Too many possibilities out there, too many decisions to make, too many problems and possible problems, too many concerns. Too many “what ifs” about tomorrow. Pile on top of that, all the mistakes, heartaches, wrongs and bad stuff from all […]

The Woes of a Wild and Wacky Worrier
·A confession: I am a worrier. I know that worry is interest paid on borrowed trouble. I know that worry is useless and 95% of the things a person worries about never happen. I know that worry is a waste of time. Nevertheless, I worry. Maybe it’s because I want people to behave in an […]