As much as I’d like to sometimes close out all political rhetoric, it’s just about impossible to do. The thing that bothers me most about what I read and what I hear is the habit of reporters to editorialize. By editorializing, I mean to express an opinion or make a comment. We need to be […]
A Blessing
Do you ever wonder about things for which there are no answers? I do. One of the things I wonder about is why don’t I hear that wonderful blessing found in Numbers 6:24-26 repeated over a congregation or a family any more? It would be nice if parents would take the time to bless their […]
The Thing About Writing…
Writing is an exercise in imagination. I write in scenes and, in order to write a scene effectively, I have to be there. I have to see, feel, and smell whatever is happening at that moment. That can be exhausting but I want my readers to see, feel, and smell what I do. This involves […]
In a Nutshell
Have you ever asked someone the time and she tells you how to build a clock? Sometimes a simple answer is better than a long one. This morning, I’ve listed my eight cozy mysteries and described each one with only three words. Do you agree? How would you describe each of them, using only three […]

To Make a Book
·If you haven’t yet made a book, you should try it. It’s a fun, rewarding activity. I suppose, in a way, journals qualify. After all, the covers are there, but the pages are blank. It’s up to the writer to fill in those blanks with words. Children love making books. In kindergarten, we made dinosaur […]