As you look at this picture, can you see three birds? The goldfinches and purple finch are not so noticeable without their glorious summer plumage but they are there, nonetheless. A reader of mysteries looks for clues which a writer of mysteries has planted. This is part of the fun of mysteries–searching for those elusive […]

It lifts its cheerful head above the grass each spring in the same place in my yard at about the same time, this bright yellow crocus. The oak tree that towers above it is still bare of leaves and dark. The ground isn’t yet warm so how does it know that it’s time to wake […]

Brush Strokes
·It is very early this morning. Too early to be up but here I am, as awake as a night owl. Probably everybody else on my street is sleeping. And, boy, am I thinking profound thoughts! What is my view of life? What is your view of life? What is your outlook? Heavy questions this […]

Courage and a Cardinal
My niece Kim had an inspiring picture and quote on her Facebook page. I shared it on my own. A cardinal sits on a snowy pine. The caption is, “No matter what yesterday was like, birds always start the new day with a song.” I’ve noticed that, just by being who he is, no more and no […]