The guests were too many to go around Fran’s long table so they spilled over into the living room yesterday. An array of salads, Fran’s famous minestrone soup and a dessert table awaited the women gathered there. Flowers and plants flourished in their container homes in the front and back yards. Reds, blues, purples, yellows, […]

Mysterious Morning
If a writer of mysteries (me) ever needed a mysterious atmosphere in which to write a mystery, that dark, dangerous, scary time is now! In fact, after a night of lightning and storm warnings, it’s still dark and foreboding this morning. My heart goes out to the people in Texas and Oklahoma and also here […]

My brothers, Thurman, Tracy, and Richard served in the Navy; my husband in the Army; my nephew Clint joined the Marines. They all came back home, all except Clint. We lost him to an awful place called Viet Nam. I think of Clint often and especially on Memorial Day. My country is made up of diverse […]

The Joy of My Heart
God keeps me busy with the joy of my heart, so says King Solomon in the Book of Ecclesiastes. Have you ever thought about that? What do you love most in this world? Are your thoughts and your hands busy with whatever that is? God gives gifts, to this one a certain gift,to another person, […]

A Smattering
Ah yes, deep, philosophical, plumbing-the-depths thoughts and soul-searching questions this morning as I sip my first cup of Folgers and look out at a dark, wet world. Why is it that the white clover blooms remind me of a miniature field of cotton against the deep green grass? And, how high will my lawn grow […]

Tuesday Tidbits
·This morning sort of slipped in without a big fanfare. A few clouds gentled the sunrise then they scooted over and made way for daylight. A breeze is stirring the maple’s leaves. And, at long last my crepe myrtles are leafing out. But it’s chilly this morning. More tornadoes did their deadly dance through Texas […]