That special holiday in November arrives tomorrow. I have heard a rumor that a jolly turkey slides down chimneys bringing mince and pumpkin pies and Thanksgiving-themed books for all good and dedicated readers. If this is true, maybe I could give him a few tips on what to leave on the festive table. I couldn’t resist this children’s […]

A Day to Remember
·October 31, as well as being Halloween, was also Reformation Day, in honor of Martin Luther’s Reformation of the Church. If you’ve never read a history of Martin Luther, let me say he was an extremely courageous man, devoted and determined. And then November 1 was Authors’ Day! What an opportune time to launch Moonlight […]

A Morning Celebration
Each morning when I get out of bed, I feel like celebrating! It’s great to be alive, to have a new day before me, to visit with family and friends, to be able to write again! Wonderful. And, I’m enjoying my first cup of Folgers. Some of my instructions from the hospital said to beware […]

In Times Like These
·There’s an old song, “In Times Like These.” We used to sing it a lot at General Baptist in Tahlequah. My dear friend Lola was part of a group who sang it as special music on Sunday morning. It had a good message, apt for then, apt for today. Another song, “A Mighty Fortress Is […]

What Did You Say?
Conversation–that two-way street of someone speaking, someone listening; then reversing roles, the first person listening, the second speaking. If I had any advice for a young couple just beginning the journey of marriage, my advice would be to talk things over. (Nobody has asked my advice lately about anything, much less marriage) Decisions made by […]

This morning after a noisy celebration, the town wakes to soft breezes and hesitant sunshine. It’s a beautiful morning with the promise of a lovely summer day. Another Independence Day has come and gone and our great country lives on, not because of her detractors or misguided politicians but because of her people who believe in […]