Clouds began gathering yesterday. It was the kind of solemn day that is a forerunner of wicked weather. There was just a feeling in the air, as Darcy told Flora in Grave Heritage. Sometimes, the electric, restless feeling as a storm approaches is far worse than the storm itself. This is true of actual atmospheric […]

Saturday Morning Coffee with Blanche
The coffee is hot; the morning is quiet, a perfect time for a cozy chat with friends. Although I’m in NW Arkansas and you are in various places around the country and around the world, we have a lot in common. In the first place, we like books and reading. In the second place, we may […]

Is Love Really Forever?
We take so much for granted, don’t we? On Facebook yesterday, I re-posted what someone else said about Grandmas making each grandchild feel that he or she was her favorite. Two of my nieces commented that was how my mom, their grandmother, made them feel. And, I agreed. Yes, she loved each grandchild for his or her individuality, uniqueness […]

Just Wondering Why
How could a father just walk away from his child and abdicate his role as mentor and protector? Was Jasper’s habit of roaming the woods a result of searching for something to fill the void Walter left? — Darcy Campbell in Grave Heritage. Sometimes Darcy waxes philosophical but then, so does Flora. In this instance, […]

Just For the Record
·How many of you keep a journal? If you do, you are a writer, making a record of a day or an event or your hopes and dreams. For many years, I have kept journals. The earliest one is dated 1953. Now, how could I have held a pencil and known how to write when […]

The Glow of the Memory Tree
·Each ornament on my Christmas tree has a story. Starting at the bottom, there’s the beautiful, hooked poinsettia tree skirt my sister Helen made years ago. When she gave it to me, she told me it wasn’t quite finished but I’ve looked at it for years and can’t see where anything else needs to […]