As you know, I’ve written four cozy mysteries, some with co-author Barbara Burgess, some, alone. Below are things that happened in the four cozies, The Cemetery Club, Grave Shift, Best Left Buried, Moonlight Can Be Murder. See if you can match the scenes below to the appropriate book. Her uncle lay in the laundry room […]

A Shiver, a Shudder, and a Creepy Feeling
·Someone once told me she wasn’t sure my books were cozies. Surprising. I thought they were. Then, I realized she meant that sometimes they lost their coziness and became downright scary. I agree they aren’t exactly bedtime stories. Here are some random excerpts, taken from Moonlight Can Be Murder: Ulysses stood, white fangs bared. Why didn’t Vermouth […]

If Walls Could Talk
·I subscribe to a fascinating newsletter about old houses. Some are ornate; some are falling down; some have been miserably treated and some have been lovingly cared for. These houses have one thing in common: they have a place in history. Each family who lived in them contributed in some way to the community; it was […]

Grave Heritage and a Contest
·Remember that contest I mentioned a few days ago? You still have time to enter! Just click on this link and check out what you need to do to enter. It’s really easy; just one of three choices. The contest ends at the end of April and the time draweth nigh. My publisher sent me a […]

So, What’s With That Dream, Anyhow?
Do you believe that dreams have significance? I don’t know about your dreams but my dreams are often a mishmash of a niggling worry, a fervent hope, something I heard someone say, or people who have been or are in my life. I don’t think any of them give me a message. But, sometimes people […]