The melody of autumn is played on muted strings, A symphony of wind and trees, the song September sings. The rhythm of the autumn rain is somnolent and slow; From softened skies, a lullaby in summer’s afterglow. –Blanche Day Manos September is that, isn’t it…summer’s afterglow? Each spring, leaves, flowers, grass are bursting with new […]

Stories Lie Buried in Every Cemetery
In the book of life, yesterday’s page has been filled. Tomorrow’s page is a mystery. All we have is today–a fresh, white page and we hold the pen — Flora Tucker. In all four of the Darcy and Flora cozy mysteries, cemeteries are front and center. I don’t think any of the books are morbid, do you? […]

Curiouser and Curiouser
·Aren’t you glad the world is full of mysteries? Isn’t it pretty neat that, with all our know-how, many things still elude answers? Sometimes, in trying to ravel out mysteries, the mystery itself becomes curiouser and curiouser. (Excuse me. I mean more and more curious.) This morning, I read that the great mystery of Stonehenge has […]

Coffee with Friends
Good morning. I like to begin the day with you. So, pour a cup of coffee and join me. Those in NWArkansas and NEOklahoma, be forewarned: the Balsam Fir weather wand is pointing downward. That means rain! I’ll bet the Four O’Clocks along my back fence have opened because it’s as dark as early evening. […]

Beetles, Butterflies, and Bugs
“Nathan, come quick and see this little bug on the screen door. It’s irridescent,” I called. When Nathan came, he took one look and agreed with me that the small green and gold insect which glistened in the sun was beautiful. But why was it so still on the screen door? Gently, I scooped him onto the […]

Coffee with Blanche
The other morning, my friend Jane dropped in for a cup of coffee and a chat. Nothing pre-planned. I love impromptu visits and this morning, if you were near, I’d hope you would drop in too. We’d have coffee and talk about whatever you’d like. Which brings up a question: in the posts that I […]