Life has many mysteries as puzzling as fictional ones, happenings that have never been explained. These intrigue me. Amelia Earhart’s disappearance is one of those mysteries. Yesterday, I read a news story that might explain what happened to this daring pilot. And then again, it may not. In 1937, she was attempting to fly around the globe […]

Another Place, Somewhere in the Fog
·Come with me to another place this morning. You may have been there or you may not. It’s a small town, a busy, bustling town, but it is an old town and, as with all old towns, it has its secrets. Many aged houses populate the town and each has a story to tell. Ned O’Neil’s […]

Spinning Dreams Out of Nothing At All
·We all have a dream–something that puts a spring in our steps and a gleam in our eyes. Dreams are those wonderful things as filmy as spiders’ webs, as substantial as moonbeams, somewhere ahead of us, calling to us to follow, to pursue, to hope, to reach. We can spin dreams of the straw of […]

The Comfort of Words
My mother has been gone for more than twenty years; yet, I miss her every day, even now. When the grief of her passing was new and I felt wounded and sore, I sought and found comfort in words: the words of friends, words in the Bible and other books. I found relief from pain in […]

First Impressions, Lasting Impressions, True?
·We’ve all heard, “First impressions are lasting impressions.” Writers work hard to create a good first impression when you, the reader, crack open her book. Following are beginning sentences from each of my cozies, creating a first impression which is, hopefully, a good and lasting one. Moonlight Can Be Murder: My car’s headlights cut a yellow […]

Thoughts for Tuesday Morning
·Tuesday Morning Thoughts This morning, as I listened to news about the hurricane pounding Haiti, I said a prayer for the people there. Many live in shacks that won’t withstand wind and torrential rain and floods. They are afraid to leave their homes, afraid their belongings will be stolen. Let’s remember them and ask the Lord to help […]