Birds sang in the thickets and a soft breeze brought the mysterious, elusive fragrance of the river. The sun felt warm on my shoulders. This lovely day stood out in sharp contrast to the day two weeks earlier when Mom and I started out in a thunderstorm to Fayetteville and wound up running for our […]
·The temperature today is forecast to climb and then, drop like a rock. Interesting weather. Hopefully, we’ll have rain too. I’m praying for rain for Colorado, California, and other places affected by wildfires. My niece and her husband in Colorado are among those ordered to evacuate. I can only imagine the fear, sadness, and anxiety […]
Is the Pen Poisoned?
·A while back, a small incident happened in real life that sort of put my nose out of joint and was totally frustrating. So, to relieve tension, I grabbed a pencil and a piece of paper and wrote, OneĀ old woman and one little dog lived together in a house of log. Outside the house, where […]
That First Impression
·We’ve all heard, “First impressions are lasting impressions.” A writer works hard to create a good first impression when you, the reader, crack open her book. Below are beginning sentences from each of my cozies, which, hopefully, create a good first impression. Moonlight Can Be Murder: My car’s headlights cut a yellow swath through the […]
Dogs and Cats
·What do dogs and cats know that we don’t? If you have a pet, you’ve probably wondered, just as I have. Sometimes, Nemo’s ears will perk up and he’ll be on alert, looking toward the window or door. His wonderful senses, especially ears and nose clue him in to a lot that’s going on outside […]