The leaves are falling from the trees, in a hurry to leave their spring and summer home and take up residence on the ground. At this time of year, it is easy to let melancholy thoughts creep in. Warm weather with its flowers and activities is past, over and done with! So, like the puppies in […]

Upside-Down Sort of Day
·This day is starting upside-down, temperature-wise. But, that’s all right. Yesterday, the wind blew like a storm all day. Warm temperatures, cloudless sky with gales. I’m glad I took a picture of my beautiful golden maple because this morning a lot of those leaves are on the ground and the wind is still gusting. The temperature is […]

Wacky Dreams, Wild Imaginings
·Did anyone watch Duel last night on the MeTV channel? Duel is a 1971 Spielberg film starring Dennis Weaver. It is a nail-biting, edge-of-your-chair thriller and probably caused my weird dreams. In one of my dreams, I was in a northern state in the springtime and ice was breaking up on the lakes. In celebration, people were […]

It Takes a Lot of Coffee to Write a Mystery
·It takes more than one cup of Folgers Coffee to write a tension-filled scene in a Darcy and Flora mystery. For example, time is a vital part of setting. When does the story take place? Last December, Oklahoma experienced record floods. I decided to use that phenomenon when writing Grave Heritage. However, the story doesn’t take […]

Wednesday Ramblings
·My Wednesday thoughts are ramblings, here, there, and all over the place. Yesterday, Matt, Nathan and I took advantage of the warm weather to bone up on our basketball skills. Actually, the boys did a lot more shooting baskets than I did but, for an old lady, I wasn’t too bad. The best part was […]