What is there about this computer that Nemo doesn’t like? To be more specific, why is it, when I sit down to write, Nemo sits down beside me, stares at me, and jabs my leg with his nose until I get up and turn him outside in order to have some peace? Does he know […]
Accepting Defeat as a Momentary Setback
In the time of darkest defeat, victory may be nearest– William McKinley. Defeat–we all experience it from time to time. We have a goal in mind, try to reach it, do our utmost to reach it and we fail. The important thing is to get up and try again. Maybe that was the wrong direction to […]
Why, How Come, and Reasons Behind the Reason
·Life would be a lot simpler if not for that little word, why. As Paul Harvey was fond of saying, there’s always a story behind the story. There’s always a reason why things are as they are and that reason isn’t always what we think it is. That’s why writing is so much fun. It’s […]
The Lovely Feeling of Being Home
The older I grow, the more convinced I am that there’s absolutely no feeling that can beat the feeling of being home. Home…where you can just be yourself, relax, put on old shoes or go without shoes, eat if you’re hungry, go to sleep when you want, clean house until it sparkles or not. Home! […]
You Can’t Tell a Book By Its Cover–Or Can You?
·The first thing I notice about a new book is its cover. If the picture is intriguing, I’ll open the book, if not, I’m apt to pass it by. The covers of each of my cozy mysteries give hints about what is inside. The artist does a remarkable job of portraying the high points of […]
What’s Inside Those Intriguing Covers?
·The covers of the Darcy and Flora or Ned McNeil mysteries are designed to hint at what’s inside the books. They are also like a friendly, open door, inviting you to come on in and have a look around. ♥ The Cemetery Club–The first Darcy and Flora cozy opens with Darcy Campbell and her mother […]