And There, in the Dark, Dusty Recesses of Some Forgotten Corner

And There, in the Dark, Dusty Recesses of Some Forgotten Corner

Before I continue with my saga of the deep, dark, dusty recesses of the corners of my garage,  let me tell you that I just saw an armadillo. He was hurrying, if armadillos can hurry, across my neighbor’s driveway to disappear around the corner. Aha! A night forager, a nocturnal snoop. And now, believe it […]

And Then There’s That Cotton-Pickin’ Internet

And Then There’s That Cotton-Pickin’ Internet

Isn’t it funny how we depend so much on the internet? Believe it or not, when I was growing up, I had never heard of the internet or home computers or email and I did just fine. But now? Well, now, I’ve gotten used to it. So, tonight, Wednesday, September 27, my internet connection is […]

The Cozy Mystery That Almost Wasn’t

The Cozy Mystery That Almost Wasn’t

By the Fright of the Silvery Moon is a cozy mystery that almost didn’t happen. So, I guess the writing was a mystery in itself. It all started last year. I wanted to write a second Ned McNeil Moonlight mystery, following Moonlight Can Be Murder. I had the title already. It sounded suitably chilling. That’s […]

Ending of Summer, Beginning of Fall

This post from last year seems to be exactly what I’m feeling this morning.  Summer’s Afterglow The melody of autumn is played on muted strings, A symphony of wind and trees, the song September sings. The rhythm of the autumn rain is somnolent and slow; From softened skies, a lullaby in summer’s afterglow. –Blanche Day […]

A Deadly and Unexpected Discovery

A Deadly and Unexpected Discovery

Grave Heritage was one of my favorite books to write. It is the fourth Darcy and Flora cozy. It opens with a thunderstorm and a visitor who wakens Darcy and Flora in the middle of a night. This scene, A Deadly and Unexpected Discovery, takes place the next morning.  After I checked our empty house […]

Some Place to Go, Something to Do

Some Place to Go, Something to Do

I’ve never seen this before! A group of four doves ambles slowly across the driveway. Do they have some place to go? Do they have a chore in mind? Are they looking for something? I hope they know there are cats in the neighborhood and are watchful. And, I? Do I have some place to […]