Yesterday afternoon was a lazy afternoon at home. At loose ends after church and dinner with the family, I wandered into the front room and my old stand-by, the piano. It’s a friend I’ve turned to for many years. Digging some well-liked music from my piano bench, I sat down and played. Tunes have always […]
Being Aware of August
·Happy first day of August! Did you know that today, August 1, is National Girlfriends’ Day, National Mountain Climbing Day, and National Raspberry Cream Pie Day? The whole month is Admit You’re Happy Month, and this first week of August is Simplify Your Life Week. Pretty interesting month, isn’t it? This month was named […]
Through the Morning Mist
·Cooler weather! Ah, how nice. Sure enough, yesterday, we had another really hard rain. I hope that everyone who needs rain is getting it, especially in California. The morning is very still, dark, and, somewhere out back, a dove is calling. He’s pretty insistent. But, a lot of the birds I heard in the […]
A Bright Snatch of Song
My niece Kim had an inspiring picture and quote on her Facebook page. I shared it on my own. A cardinal sits on a snowy pine. The caption is, “No matter what yesterday was like, birds always start the new day with a song.” I’ve noticed that, just by being who he is, no more and no […]
A Wonderful, Ordinary Day
Things are back to normal, more or less. Nemo’s surgery went well; he’s home and we are following the veterinarian’s directions. He limps a lot but his foot is securely bandaged. When he goes outside, he has to wear a plastic sleeve to keep dampness off the bandage. He wags his tail, is happy to […]
Not My Defining Moment
·Is it the coffee? Is it the heavy warmth of summer or is it just me? For whatever reason, I’m sitting at my computer feeling philosophical this morning. I’ve learned through the years that if one is quiet, prone to brief nods or slow eye blinks, tilts the head to one side and says, “Hmm,” […]