Freedom to Think

  Freedom! Millions have died to obtain it or keep it. Without it, what do we have? I’m just asking. Do we have security from fear of retaliation? Do we have the warm feeling of belonging? Do we have a feeling of superiority?From what do we want to be free? And what is worth giving […]

The Noise of the Celebration

The Noise of the Celebration

Firecrackers! Sky rockets! Light up the July sky! It’s celebration time. Moonstruck and Murderous is on Amazon, ready to go onto library shelves, eager hands, and your home. The print version is available now, but the ebook is sure to follow shortly. If you haven’t been to and taken a peek, now’s the time. […]

Wondering What They’ll Do Next

Wondering What They’ll Do Next

This morning, I feel a little sad, a little lost. Getting a book ready for publication is rather like a whirlwind. Then, when it’s completely finished, the quiet is deafening. I miss Ned and Pat, Jackie, Miss Ann, Cade, and all the rest of them. I even miss the bad guys. And, believe me, they […]

It’s Coming!

It’s Coming!

Great news! Yesterday, the mailman delivered the proof to the third Ned McNeil cozy mystery, Moonstruck and Murderous. Yippee! Release date is just around the corner. It’s coming. As frosting on the cake, has Moonstruck and Murderous on their list of Coming Soon books. Just click on this link:  Or, to go to […]

If Wishes Were Horses

If Wishes Were Horses

  If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. If turnips were watches, I’d wear one by my side. So goes a children’s nursery rhyme. Wishes! We all have them; we all say from time to time, I wish this were true or not true, or that he would hurry or she would reach a decision. […]

The Secret of the Old House

The Secret of the Old House

  The Secret of the Old House sounds like a Nancy Drew mystery, doesn’t it? However, it isn’t; it’s a Manos mystery, the third one in the Ned McNeil series and although the story is about an old house that has a secret (or more than one secret) that isn’t the title; the title is […]