A Crash Above Our Heads

A Crash Above Our Heads

Nemo and I were watching television last night (well, I was watching a nature video and reading; Nemo was sort of doing neither) when, with no warning, directly over the house, came a loud CRASH. I looked at my suddenly alert dog. “Was that thunder?”  “Dumb question,” he said. “What else?”  And, that was the […]

Canebreak ABC’s

Canebreak ABC’s

Canebreak ABC’s Red ants, black ants marching all together, through a canebreak by the river in the lovely summer weather. Many-colored butterflies drift or dream or flit among tall stalks for the very fun of it. A caterpillar wriggles and a cricket creaks a song, surrounded by the river cane, thick and green and long. Dragonflies a-dazzle with […]

People From My Past

People From My Past

  It’s funny the way some simple thing will trigger a memory from long ago. This morning, as I measured water for the coffee pot, I remembered my junior high science teacher. (I told you it was long ago.) The thing I recall now, after all those years is Mr. Wasson’s gravelly voice and the […]

A Little Philosophy and Murder

A Little Philosophy and Murder

Sometimes, Ned, Pat and Jackie are philosophers. As my friend Jane once said, good friends are doctors and scientists and, well, I’m not quoting her correctly, but most of all, friends are there for each other. So, these three have their own thoughts about what causes a person to go bad. This is from Moonstruck […]

Who Knew or Cared?

Who Knew or Cared?

  John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough defeated the French and Bavarians on August 2, 1704. Who knew? And, today, who cares? But, if you were the Duke or his British soldiers at that time, you cared a lot! If any one individual was ever the inspirations for stories of intrigue, mystery, action, or romance, it was […]

Sitting on the Deck in the Dark

Sitting on the Deck in the Dark

Such a pleasant morning. A soft, gentle rain, a few rumbles of thunder. Nemo and I sat on the deck, protected by the redbud tree, our leafy umbrella. The crepe myrtle shows up well in the darkness of early morning. A good start to the day. Yesterday, I took a copy of Moonstruck and Murderous […]