Tell me a story. Even now, many years later ( I mean many years) I can remember following my mom around, asking her to tell me another story. I was too young to read, so how I can remember back that many decades, I don’t know, but I still remember the absolute joy of snuggling […]
Dark and Drippy
·This is another dark, drippy day. The temperature is falling and the sky is metallic gray. It’s a “lights on in every room with fireplace going” kind of day. How many of you make New Year’s resolutions? I actually don’t. Oh, I may jot down a few goals in my journal and quite a few […]
An Ode to Winter
·Old Man Winter, don’t you know it’s to soon for ice or snow? Too soon for frigid winds to blow? […]
When Whippoorwills Call
·It is cold this morning! Cold, dark, and wet. May is nearly half gone. Shouldn’t we have warm weather? My brother tells me that whippoorwills are calling now. He lives near a wooded area and hears these nighttime, springtime birds. It’s Whippoorwill Winter. I might have known. My maple tree, just outside my window, is […]
Winter’s Wildscape at Night
·The bushes in my backyard, green and flowering in warm weather, become gray, drab sprigs in the winter. The birds don’t mind. When moonlight silvers the yard, they crowd deep into the thick twigs, twittering and chirping, discussing the day’s happenings, content to be hidden by darkness and their stubbly cover. A few wild, forest […]
Groundhogs and Weather
·It’s Groundhog Day. Punxatawney Phil didn’t see his shadow. So, according to tradition, this means an early spring. Is that an accurate prediction? The answer remains a mystery. It’s fun to see what the folk in Punxatawney make of waking up Phil. It was snowing as a large group, known as the Inner Circle, in top […]