My willow oak is “blooming” or whatever that stage in its life is called when little tassels appear before full-grown leaves. I guess it’s tasseling. Since my deck is nearby, the wind fondly blows all those lovely little wisps onto it. There is no keeping it swept clean. Nemo, my furry friend, looks like a […]

The Wind
·Autumn wind is a mischievous wind. It blows the leaves against my door. I sweep them, and next time I look, those leaves are there once more. It rearranges chairs on decks and scratches at my windows. Is someone there or is it a game that happens when the wind blows? Sometimes the wind blows […]

Fall Feelings
·Summer’s Afterglow The melody of autumn is played on muted strings, A symphony of wind and trees, the song September sings. The rhythm of the autumn rain is somnolent and slow; From softened skies, a lullaby in summer’s afterglow. –Blanche Day Manos September is that, isn’t it…summer’s afterglow? Each spring, leaves, flowers, grass are bursting […]

·Thankfully, I don’t live in an area that is threatened by hurricanes; however, many people do. It’s a danger that they live with. This hurricane season seems to be a particularly busy one. This morning, Hurricane Sally is pummeling the Gulf Coast. It’s extremely sad to me that, despite all the warnings and precautions, there […]

Lightning, Thunder, Hail
·Yesterday afternoon, we got a good, old-fashioned thunderstorm with rain! We even had a sprinkling of hail–not much, thank goodness. I’m so grateful and so are the grass and flowers. The roadside ditch where the children used to race their boats right after a rain, was a turbulent little stream. Trees were swaying, my little […]

The Wind in the Trees
·The wind in the treetops this morning is making the branches restless. I wonder if it’s telling them to get ready because cold weather is on the way. Funny–wind make me feel restless too, unsettled and a trifle uneasy. Weather change or not, the birds and squirrels will be well-fed on sunflower seeds. It’s funny […]